Therapy for OCD

woman with tense hands

Life with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is exhausting

Overbearing fixations that you become stuck in and behaviors that you feel trapped in make you feel imprisoned by your own brain. You feel barred from joy, relaxation, and life-giving relationships and you yearn for the freedom to choose how you spend your time while feeling at ease.

mom and baby on the beach

Specialty OCD treatment helps you experience freedom and relief

Inference-based cognitive behavioral therapy (I-CBT) is a type of therapy designed to treat OCD specifically. Research shows that I-CBT is effective for helping people with OCD move out of unhelpful thought processes and reconnect with the wisdom of their senses. I-CBT is now considered one of the go-to treatment options for this anxiety disorder.

Many people who suffer from OCD also experience trauma, low self-esteem, and other emotional struggles. EMDR and other somatic therapy approaches can be used in conjunction with I-CBT to support you in addressing underlying emotional wounds in order to heal holistically.